PREGNANCY LOSS DOULA {3 visits package} 

A package of three in person visits catered to your individual needs as well as some phone support between these visits.

Watercolor Egg Painting by Kim Pierce #9



For this 90 minute massage session, Kim may have you lying on your side depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. This position protects the blood flow going towards your heart from the vena cava while also allowing you to receive dreamy deep therapeutic bodywork on your hips and back.

Watercolor Egg Painting by Kim Pierce #10



This 90 minute massage is deeply relaxing, and may include abdominal work that can bring circulation and healing to tender muscles and organs following pregnancy release.

Watercolor Egg Painting by Kim Pierce #1



During this exciting 90 minute session, Kim uses various healing techniques along with massage that can help prepare you for the journey of labor including acupressure, deep jaw release, aromatherapy, and visualization.